Spotlight on Suk Yin

December 8, 2021
Spotlight on Suk Yin, living donor to her son and TAP Ambassador at St. Mike's Toronto!
At only 9 years old, Suk Yin’s son, Andrew, was diagnosed with a rare form of kidney disease. While Suk Yin immediately began testing in hopes of becoming Andrew’s living donor, Andrew's disease advanced too quickly to achieve a pre-emptive kidney transplant, and he had to start peritoneal dialysis at home.
Knowing that having a living kidney donation increases the effectiveness and longevity of a transplant, Suk Yin became her son's advocate, sharing what Andrew was going through with family and friends. Because of these conversations, three additional people came forward to be tested to donate. Though in the end, Suk Yin was a good match, she says that, “In my heart, I share the honour of giving the gift of life to my son with the other wonderful people who came forward to donate.”
Last October, she and Andrew celebrated the 17th anniversary of their kidney transplant/donation, which was made even more special by the announcement Andrew and his wife were expecting Suk Yin's first grandchild.
“Living kidney donation is an empowering and gratifying journey,” shares Suk Yin. “Nothing could make me feel more proud than to have given this second gift of life to my son.”
Suk Yin shares her experience to help others understand the donation process, and offer support for anyone considering living donation.
If you'd like to speak to Suk Yin about her kidney experience, she can be reached at or by phone at 1 (833) 274-3740.