Ambassador Spotlight

Spotlight on Jen N

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May 22, 2024

TAP Ambassador Spotlight Returns with a very special living kidney donor!

Jen donated a kidney to her (reluctant) Dad in November of 2018. “My father accepting that my offer was as much a gift for me as it was for him took some time, but I am so grateful for his willingness to accept.”

As a TAP Ambassador at The Ottawa Hospital - L'Hôpital d'Ottawa, Jen often speaks to potential recipients who are hesitant about accepting the offer of a kidney from one of their children. Jen often sees a patient's openness around accepting the offer of a kidney start to shift when she shares her donation story with them. "My favourite thing about being an Ambassador is being able to provide insight and support to others considering donation," shares Jen.

You can reach Jen by email at, or call 1 (833) 274-3740 and ask to speak with Jen! | | 1-833-247-3740
#kidneytransplant #livingdonation #livingdonor #shareyourspare #transplantambassadorprogram #TransplantFirst