Spotlight on Greg W.

December 15, 2020
This week's Transplant Ambassador, Greg, is Co-Lead of TAP at @lhsccanada. Greg’s favourite thing about being an Ambassador is the people he meets. "Patients, potential donors, and fellow Ambassadors all have fascinating, usually incredibly inspirational, stories of their transplant journey."
Having received a liver and kidney transplant himself in 2016, Greg knows that speaking with the recipient of a successful transplant early on in a patient's diagnosis can completely change the course of their journey for the better.
He recalls speaking with a patient on dialysis who had many concerns about receiving a kidney transplant. “We had two discussions during which we just chatted about our experiences with kidney disease and my experiences with transplant” says Greg. Later on, he was thrilled to learn that the patient had decided to move forward with a transplant work up.
Retired and living a full and active life, including regular participation in the Canada Transplant Games, Greg is keen to pay it forward by sharing his story with others.
Greg welcomes you to reach out to him at, or call 1 (833) 274-3740 and ask for Greg.