Roger P

Roger P

Hello, my name is Roger.
I've been dealing with declining kidney function for about ten years. As a former university and high school physical educator I've made healthy active living a priority my entire life and have tried to maintain that lifestyle even as my kidneys decline. However, I notice I tire more easily now and suffer from some of the typical symptoms of advanced kidney disease.

Because I am relatively healthy though, my nephrologist has recommended a pre-emptive kidney transplant. Without that, I will have to begin dialysis in the next six to eight months. My wife of 40 years and I love travelling especially with family and we hope a new kidney would allow us to begin that again. We are active in our community and each year host a charity horseshoe tournament with proceeds going to Sleeping Children Around the World.

As well, I enjoy coaching and have coached children's high school and university level teams in many sports. It's really a lot of fun especially with the little ones. I have a passion for photography and enjoy photo excursions around southern Ontario. I was fortunate to be an event photographer for several years, a job that allowed me to meet some remarkable people. We have two wonderful adult children and are looking forward to becoming grandparents with all the new adventures that will entail.

If you would consider being a living donor please email me. Thank you.

Oakville, Ontario

Age: 76

Blood Type: O

Currently in active transplant status looking for a donor.

Current kidney function: eGFR 13%