

Hi, I’m McKenzie. I have a genetic form of chronic kidney disease (CKD).
CKD progresses slowly without symptoms until it reaches a critical stage. I appear a normal healthy person, but CKD is taking its toll and I take daily medications to manage the disease. My kidney function is now 13%. Without a kidney transplant, I will need dialysis in the next year or so.

This has been a difficult thing for me to face and has brought on a wide range of emotions. As a young person, I thought I was invincible. Being forced to confront my own mortality in my thirties is scary. Since CKD is genetic on my mother’s side and I’ve had no contact with my father since I was 5, I must look outside my family for a donor.

I am a hard-working person with a successful career as an insurance underwriter. I am also an animal lover. Four years ago, I rescued a pug mix named Rosa with special needs. Between the two of us, we’re quite a pair!

The wait time for a deceased kidney donor is 4-8 years. But, I know there is so much goodness and kindness in the world and have hope a living donor will come forward. The testing for kidney donors is very thorough and the surgery is now done laparoscopically with 3 small incisions. It is similar in risk and recovery to gallbladder removal.

I am compatible with A, AB or O. Unmatching donors can also enter the national paired donor program. For more info contact me or London's Living Donor Program at 519.685.8500 X33552 or

Kitchener Waterloo, ON

Age: 39

Blood Type: A

Currently in active transplant status looking for a donor.

Reason for kidney failure: Genetic

Current kidney function: 13% kidney function - pre-dialysis