Jinky D

Jinky D

I’m 51 years old diagnosed with IgA nephropathy more than 20 years ago. I have an amazing daughter, a fulfilling job and I love to travel.

I’m about to start dialysis and it saddens me that I have to step away from doing the things I love. For a while now I’ve been feeling stuck with my condition and tired from the roller coaster of emotions, and so I also feel relieved that now I can make the choice to be unstuck and start my treatment.

I think every person who is dealing with chronic kidney disease has so much courage and hope. Every one deserves a chance to be given a boost in life and your gift of life will make this possible.

If you’d like to help, please reach out to me directly or to one of the TAP ambassadors.

Toronto , Ontario

Age: 51

Blood Type: O positive

Currently in active transplant status looking for a donor.

Reason for kidney failure: IgA nephropathy

Current kidney function: End stage renal failure