Hazel-Ann Q.

Hazel-Ann Q.

My name is Hazel-Ann. I'm 57 years of age, and I was born and raised in Trinidad & Tobago until I was in my teens, when I moved to Toronto, where I've lived ever since. Jehovah God is my rock, and my religious family are my main supporters. I surround myself with some relatives and close friends also. Including my childhood best friend, Lorna, who has been by my side. I'm a huge sports fan. I love to watch football (or what you might call soccer!) I played cricket many years ago in Trinidad, and still love the game. I'm a die hard Trekkie, enjoy live theatre, music, and movies of all types.

I have been on hemodialysis three times a week since April 2022.

I'm ever the optimist, and see the cup as half full. I hope to get back to a normal life sometime soon so I can enjoy life again! To get me there, I'm looking for a living kidney donor, and would be so grateful if you might consider helping me.

I can receive a kidney from a type O or B donor, but anyone could be a match through the kidney paired exchange program.

If you are interested in becoming a living donor please reach out to me directly or to Melinda Schell at the UHN Living Kidney Donor Program, at

Toronto, ON

Age: 57

Blood Type: B+

Currently in active transplant status looking for a donor.

Reason for kidney failure: Brought on by vasculitis

Current kidney function: On dialysis