Geraldine F

Geraldine F

My name is Geraldine.
I have two daughters that are 9 and 11. I have spent my daughters' early years going to school getting my teaching degree. I had been teaching for half a year as a certified teacher before becoming ill and having to relocate to the city to start dialysis treatments.

Now that I am on dialysis I am feeling sick most of the time. Before dialysis, I enjoyed going places with my daughters. I liked to expose them to different things around the city. Lately, I enjoy creating things with my sewing machine, making indigenous crafts. I enjoy cooking and making delicious meals for my family and friends.

If you are interested in becoming a kidney donor, please reach out to me.

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Age: 41

Blood Type: O+

Currently in active transplant status looking for a donor.

Current kidney function: on dialysis