

Hi I'm Spencer,
I am 31 years old. When I was 28 I found out I had end stage kidney disease. I had not been feeling great for sometime but it was a complete shock to hear my kidneys were failing. I was able to avoid needing dialysis for about 6 months, but I have been on dialysis now for 3 years. I am making the best of it but it takes up a lot of time and is hard on my body. I look forward to the day I no longer need it!

Because of dialysis, I have only been working part-time for the last year. I look forward to getting back to full-time to my career at Canada Post, improving my health and having life feel normal again. It's hard to imagine that someone out there I don't know may want to donate their kidney to me but I'm told it happens everyday and this gives me hope.

If you are interested in getting tested, you can contact me directly or the donor coordinator at London Health Sciences Centre at 519-685-8500 ext. 33552 or

Thunder Bay, ON

Age: 31

Blood Type: O+

Reason for kidney failure: Chronic Kidney Disease (IGA nephropathy)

Current kidney function: Dialysis since 2020