Viola O
I am a retired nurse. I'm a "young" 70 year old female diagnosed via kidney biopsy with IGA nephropathy in January 2016. My renal function at that time was 20%. My Nephrologist tried massive doses of Prednisone to try to slow down my immune system from attacking my kidneys. Unfortunately, I suffered every known side effect, even bleeding gastric ulcers.
I am not on dialysis (yet!) but have been approved for kidney transplant at transplant center in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Two living donors stepped up to help me but one was immediately screened out due to history of kidney stones. The second person went through almost a year of testing before being screened out due to underlying health problems. My nephrologist told me a preemptive transplant from living donor is my best chance as the waiting time in Halifax for a deceased donor transplant is 5 to 7 years. By that time my age will be a negative factor for me to receive a transplant. I live alone with my three kitties.
I am exhausted all the time but I will not give up my fight against this killer kidney disease.
If you are interested in becoming a living donor, please contact me directly or contact Living Donor Coordinator, Dawn
Fredericton , NB
Age: 70
Blood Type: A+
Currently in active transplant status looking for a donor.
Reason for kidney failure: IGA nephropathy
Current kidney function: Not yet on dialysis