Vladimir S

Vladimir S

I am ordinary person with kidney failure, trying to survive. My mother language is Ukrainian. I didn't realize I was sick at first until I was hospitalized and blood tests showed my kidney function was less than 20%. Now it is 15%, and at our last hospital visit to the hospital, my wife and I received a lot of information about dialysis and kidney transplant and asked to think about what type of dialysis we prefer. We were in shock, and couldn't imagine a life on dialysis. But we have accepted the situation for now, but know life would be so much better if I could have a transplant. My wife Mila and I are hoping to find a donor.

If you can help please reach out to us directly or to the Living Kidney Donor Program at St. Paul's Hospital Hospital, Vancouver at 1-877-922-9822, or

Vancouver, BC

Age: 62

Blood Type: unknown

Currently in active transplant status looking for a donor.

Reason for kidney failure: High blood pressure