Darlene D

Darlene D

My name is Darlene, I am 67 years old, and have been retired from being a therapeutic life skills coach, and Career development practitioner. I’m happily married to a wonderful man, I have a son and 3 stepchildren plus 6 beautiful grandchildren. I enjoy being at home and living a quiet lifestyle. One of my passions is, I love to creating home cooked meals for my family and friends, I also enjoy traveling, road trips, and of course retire therapy. I have had a few health challenges throughout my life, at the age of 35 I suffered a stroke, and it has left me with right sided marginal paralysis. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in my mid 50’s. But with a positive attitude and unwavering perseverance I managed to overcome and manage these health setbacks with courage and determination.

I now have another challenge to overcome, my kidneys are failing. I am seeking an Angel. One who will be a living hero/heron who can provide me with the life changing gift of life. My wish for the future is to see each of my grandchildren successfully graduate and become productive young adults. All I need is that one person to grant me the miracle by generously donating a kidney. You will be helping me extend my life for many years. If you feel you can help or need further information, please feel free to contact me at or contact Eilin Varvarusis RN, Clinical Coordinator, at Vancouver Coastal Health (604)875-4111 ex 20515. Or

Prince George, BC

Age: 67

Blood Type: A+

Currently in active transplant status looking for a donor.

Reason for kidney failure: Unknown

Current kidney function: Nearing the need for dialysis